Friday, November 11, 2011


We started the year in Genesis with the story of Creation.  We have been learning 
about our “Ancestors in Faith” -- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph -- and the role God played in their lives, particularly as it applies to our faith today. 
Now our study is focused on Moses and the second book of the Bible, Exodus.  We are learning about God fulfilling his promise to his people for being faithful to the Covenant, a promise carried down since the time of Abraham.
At the beginning of the year, the focus in Math was on Geometry.  We practiced measuring and naming angles as well as estimating and calculating the perimeter of various polygons. We are now discussing fractions, decimals, and the relationship between the two.  Next up we will start identifying number patterns and writing rules for those patterns.  It will give the the 6th graders a glimpse into what they will learn in Algebra in 7th and 8th grade.  

The first chapter this year was an introduction to chemistry and the vocabulary necessary to learn the concepts.  We have learned about the physical properties of matter, atoms, molecules, elements, compounds and mixtures, and the states of matter. 
Now our studies will focus on chemical reactions, chemical properties, organic compounds, and nuclear energy.
Next we’ll progress to physics.
6th graders continue to build on their reading and vocabulary skills while also transitioning into a literature class setting.  Students use both short stories and novels to strengthen their oral fluency, comprehension, and efficacy.  They will also begin looking more deeply into literature by analyzing themes, literary techniques, and point of view.  Classes will be reading the same first two novels and will then be broken down into flexible literature circles for small group novels as the trimester progresses.
For the first part of the year, the sixth graders had been working on dictionary skills.  Currently they are working on writing a composition about their favorite restaurant.  So far, they have done pre-writing, outlines, and several drafts.  They are progressing well.
Social Studies
So far this year the sixth graders did a large unit on the Ancient Egyptians (for which, among other things, they created dioramas of Egyptian tombs) and currently we are finishing unit a on Ancient Greece.  The students have already studied Greek myths and examined the Persian and Peloponnesian wars.  In the upcoming weeks, they will be holding debates based on Greek philosophy and soon after that they’ll examine the political innovations of the Greeks.  After Greece, we’ll be studying China, both its ancient dynasties and its modern place in our world.