Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sixth Grade China Unit With Mr. Olson

China Unit With Mr. Olson

The sixth graders have almost finished their unit on China.  My student teacher, Jacob Olson, taught most of the unit, and thus the students could enjoy a different teaching style for a few weeks.  Mr. Olson was very informative and led some fantastic discussions and activities with them.  For this unit, the students also went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to see the Terra Cotta Warrior exhibit . 

Below you’ll see some photos of projects they created for the China unit and a morning Tai Chi lesson.  We’ll miss Mr. Olson, and we wish him good luck!

Friday, November 30, 2012

How Do Sixth Graders Study?

I asked the sixth graders recently what their favorite method of studying was.   An important part of sixth grade is learning HOW to study, so I was very interested to see what they'd say.   Below are some of their answers, along with visuals.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Creative Seventh Grade Writers

The seventh graders have been flexing their creative muscles in English class these past few weeks, writing fanciful expository pieces such as "My Dream Bathroom" and "Why I Would Like to Own a Sasquatch."  Besides being creative, they've also been practicing different paragraph structures.  Check out some samples of their writing below.   I think they should feel proud!

Sasquatch, Oh Sasquatch

       To have a Sasquatch would be one of the best things that ever happened to me. One reason is that he could be my best friend forever. We could do everything together, like play in the park or go swimming in the river then get large malts and burgers at the diner. The second reason I would love my Sasquatch is we could take pottery classes at the pottery studio by the mall. We could make wonderful pots, plates and bowls that we could display on the huge bookcase that we just bought from Ikea. The last, but not least, reason I would like to have a Sasquatch is he could make me a lunch everyday before school. He would make me the best lunches I could ever have with what ever I want, like spaghetti or pasta with freshly baked cookies. Those are just a few of the many reason it would be my honor to have a Sasquatch as a pet.

The Delight of Having a Sasquatch in My Life
It would be just dandy to have a Sasquatch as my pet. My first reason for wanting a Sasquatch for a pet is that he would like to do the same things I do. We could sneak up behind people and scare them, go tramping through the woods in search of anything awesome, or even have him hide in my sister's bed and scare her when she comes home at night. Another reason for wanting a Sasquatch is that I could feed him my food that I do not like when he is under the table. It works out for both of us that way because he gets his dinner and a treat, and I don't have to eat my squash, cabbage, or brussels sprouts. My final reason for wanting a Sasquatch is he would be a great guy to have on the football team. He would be really good at tackling people, but best of all he would scare the ball carrier so badly that the ball would just pop right out of the ball carrier's hands for a fumble. That is why a Sasquatch would be a spectacular pet for me.

My Dream Bathroom

        My dream bathroom would be so unbelievable it would the Willy Wonka factory of bathrooms. When you first walk into my bathroom you will notice a red carpet on the floor. If you walk along that carpet you will feel that it is heated. When you look around you will see high ceilings and many flat screen TVs.  At the end of the carpet you will see a bronze shinning elevator door and a big blue button. When you hit that button the elevator doors would open while in the elevator you would hear your favorite songs as elevator music. At the top you will enter a loft with TVs on the wall, all the video games you can think of, and a long orange board leading out over the tub.  As the colored haze of steam float in fronts of the tub, you can a dive into the soapy depths of the pool. If you decide to stay in the pool a long time, just dive down to the  bottom and watch TV!     So grab an oxygen tank, goggles and water-resistant headphones and dive back to enjoy a show. When you had you fill of underwater television you would get out of the pool and do one of two things. First, get in back into the elevator and hit a green button which will dry you off so you could do it all again. Second, walk back out the door and be dried by drying robots that walk with you. When you leave my bathroom the door will open on its  own accord to let you leave the unbelievable bathroom.  

My Amazing Bathroom 
My bathroom is the most amazing bathroom there is! Enter the door and you will be greeted by a diamond encrusted statues of dragons. Around these dragons is a water slide. When you go down the water slide you will experience some amazing twists and turns. Exit the water slide you will find yourself sitting down in an really relaxing bathtub. Up above the bathtub is a spectacular chandelier encrusted in a assortment of really valuable and beautiful gems. Diagonally bellow the chandelier is a 120 inch flat- screen T.V. This T.V has ever single channel in the world! straight across the T.V is a blue and red remote. Diagonally across is a inflatable slide. It goes so fast that you'll be able to dry off. After you exit the slide you will find yourself sitting in a throne like couch. Right in front of you there will be a Xbox 360,a controller, and a 290 inch flat screen T.V for play time after your shower of a life time. After you are done playing with the Xbox 360 go wash your hands in a amazing sink. Behind the T.V is a golden sink, just waiting to be used. Even farther behind sink is a diamond toilet, with a assortment of valuable of gems to gaze at. Indeed my bathroom is so fine that the king of the world (if there was one) would be honored to use my bathroom.

My Dream Bathroom

My dream bathroom is like walking into a state-of-the-art pirate’s chest full of gold and treasure. When you first walk into my bathroom, you will step through French doors and onto the red velvet carpet. If you keep walking a few feet forward, look to the left and right and you will notice the luxury pet facilities on either side of the carpet. The pet facilities include golden litter boxes and golden fire hydrants for any dogs or cats who may be with you. Continue walking forward past the pet facilities and you will encounter the beautifully cast golden toilet. The toilet is not only made of gold, but also comes equipped with a built in massager and bidet.  As you leave the toilet area, walk diagonally to the right and you will see the sinks. The sinks are accented with golden tile, have silver faucets,  automatic soap dispensers,  and silent blow-dryers.  Take the diagonal path back, passing the toilets and continuing a new diagonal path to the stunning bathtub.  The bathtub is a black pearl, eight person bathtub with adjustable water jets for personal comfort. Once you are finished with your bath tub experience, you can walk back out past the toilet, down the red velvet carpet, pick up your pet (if you brought one), and leave through the French doors.   My bathroom is complete with the beauty of precious metals as well as the comforts of modern bathroom technologies.  

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sixth Grade Ancient Egyptian Tombs

The sixth grade recently created Egyptian tomb dioramas.  The ancient Egyptians filled their tombs with things that they thought would be needed in the after life; thus, these tombs are an excellent representation of how they lived and what they believed.  If you'd like to see some examples of what our students did, check out the photos below.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

8th Grade "Favorite Toy" Papers

Hi All,

The 8th graders wrote a paper for English a few weeks ago called "My Favorite Toy."  They had to choose a toy that was special to them when they were little tots, and explain in detail WHY the toy was special.  The paper required that they structure their ideas logically and create vivid descriptions for their toys, and they were great fun to read!   I have posted three samples below, with the names deleted for privacy's sake.

                                                                                                                 (a Highland Catholic 8th Grader)
                                              September 23, 2012
                                                                                                                  English 8-1

The Fabric of My Childhood

      Memories woven through the simple stitches, my Elephant Blankie has been with me forever.  This soft, cuddly blanket with an elephant image on it was passed down from both of my sisters, landing on and staying with me.  The fact that I was the third child to fall in love with it, made it all the more special, and I found that she really was meant for me.  To say that I was attached was an understatement.  "Ella" went with me everywhere, a comfort I didn't want to let go of because we had made many memories together.  
      For as long as I can remember, I've had Elephant Blankie.   I didn't know of the many tears shed, the tantrums thrown, and the wailing and pleading from my sisters to keep her.  I only knew that this perfect, snugly blanket was for me.  It had an ordinary cream color with an extraordinary elephant in the middle.  When I was three years old, I asked my dad what the machine washable tag said, and he replied, "This blanket was only made for the (girl’s name) of the world," and it truly was.  This blanket was meant for me, in every way possible.  When I received this, it was like a torch had been passed down through each of my sisters.  Every girl was swaddled and hugged in it, though I was the one with the real instant, lasting connection. 
      Ella was always by my side.  Through trips, losses, and being tucked in each night,  I loved embracing the soft and comfy elephant. Every summer, this blanket would be squished into my tiny suitcase and flown 1,500 miles to my grandparents house. I forgot her there one year, and I cried so much that my mom had to have it sent back with first-class shipping.  Although I almost lost her to a fire from a space heater years ago, she is thankfully still here today. I also remember clinging on to Ella when my grandparents were sick.  She was always there for me, alleviating every situation from pain or hardship.  
      Looking back, I realize the important role my the blanket played in my childhood.  She still lies at the foot of my bed, protecting me and staying by my side, like she did when I was young.  I still give her a hug, and thank the inanimate object for all that she has done for me.  Elephant Blankie was wrapped around me as a newborn, was dragged throughout the house when I was a toddler, squeezed and played with as a child, and remains on my bed ever since.  I plan to pass down my incredible blanket to my children, so they can share in the love of Ella, and create enduring memories of their own.

(a Highland 8th Grader)
September 24, 2012
English 7-1

Nerf Guns

     From a well concealed position, the sound of gunfire shatters the silence. Darts explode from the muzzle of the gun and streak across the room, thudding into the target: my brother. These guns are good toys for many reasons. One is that the dart tips are soft, and they cannot break anything. Another thing is that we had many epic battles with them, all with different obstacles and challenges.
      There are many different kinds of play weapons, but the favorite kind of kids and parents alike are the dart guns from Nerf. If the darts hit someone, all they will feel is a little poke and they may be a little surprised. Once, I got hit in the eye, and the was a small flash in my eye and a bit of pain, but is faded away quickly. Some other brands have darts that hurt or are hard to control, but the Nerf brand has soft darts and accurate guns, so kids can shoot where they want. Also, if they accidentally hit something fragile, the dart won't break it, while a plastic light saber or axe would shatter anything in its path, including your child's bones.  Another reason they are great is that they are easy to clean up. If you take a shot, it is easy to track, so you can go and retrieve the dart quickly.
      In any environment you can have large battles. One time, we spent hours building a fort. It was made of blankets, chairs, nets, and cardboard. One person would attack, and one would defend. Usually, the defender would win, but one time, I was attacking, and I decided to hide. When my brother heard no gunshots and couldn't see me, he stuck his head out the window. That was when I blew him out of the water. We had many others, but that was probably the most amazing.
      Every time we went to a target store, my brother and I always wanted to go to the Nerf aisle. Those guns were our favorite play item. Now, we do not use them much, though we still have a bin of them. Sometimes we decide to use them, mostly on rainy days, and those occasions bring back vivid memories. 

                                                                                (a Hi-C 8th Grader)
                                                                                September 23, 2012
                                                                                English 8-1
                                                My Baby Cloth Doll

      "The simpler it is, the more beautiful it will become." --Wilhelm Backhaus, and what is simpler than a little cloth doll?  My favorite childhood toy was a little doll named Baby Doll.  She was my favorite because she was the first toy I can remember and she has stayed with me no matter what.  Also, even though some people might say a bitten off hand is repellent, it makes my doll all the more endearing to me.
      The memories of their first toy stay with many people forever.  My first and favorite toy has stayed with me too.  As long as I can remember, I have had my doll.  She stayed in my room, traveled with me, and even went to school with me a few times.  Sadly, I forgot her in the classroom one time and we had to wait until the next day before we could find each other.  Despite that, my one-handed doll stayed loyal to me.
      Many people do not like dolls that are missing hands, but I do.  Many years ago, when I had brought my doll downstairs, my dog, Cocoa, decided that he liked my doll too, as a chew toy.  So, when I was not watching, and Cocoa was pining for attention, he grabbed my doll.  Cocoa grabbed my doll and ran.  He went towards the living room, with me close behind, and when I finally got a hold on my doll, Cocoa struck.  He bit down hard.  Then, my poor doll fell limply into my hands, and I saw the full extent of her injury.  Her hand was torn off.  Some people might get rid of one-handed dolls, but not me.  I knew that when people get hurt, they need support.  So dolls do too.  Don't they? 
      Despite my close childhood with Baby doll, we no longer go places together.  She has had an early retirement, and now sits on a shelf.  She sits there with a few of her stuffed-animal friends and reminisces about our past. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

A new crop of sixth graders for 2012!  Aren't they awesome?!

They've been finding their way to all their classes, handling their new jobs as patrols for the school, and getting used to being middle schoolers without a hitch.  Mrs. McCauley and I couldn't be more pleased.

We have a field trip planned for next week to "RiverRendezvous" -- an outdoor historical reenactment event.  Check out Mrs. McCauley's blog for photos of our first field trip!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Farewell to the FORMER Sixth Graders

A Farewell to the FORMER Sixth Graders

Yes, they're "big" important 8th graders (soon to be 9th graders), but I still remember them as bright-eyed little sixth graders sitting in homeroom on the first day of school.  I have so many wonderful memories of them -- Long Lake Center, the many social studies projects they did, the amazing papers they wrote in 7th and 8th grade English class, their warmth, their intensity, their creativity, and the millions of laughs we had together.  I'll miss you, once upon a time sixth graders!  Best wishes on your wonderful futures.

Below I've posted just few of my favorite photos, starting with 8th grade graduation night and going back to sixth grade.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our Last Few Weeks of Learning This Year

What We Learned the Last Few Weeks of School
Our students were busy learning right up until the last day of school.  They’d likely say they deserve their summer vacations!  Happy summer to all!
Religion (Joyce McCauley)
During our last month of school we learned about more saints who have lived lives which still serve as role models for us today.  
We talked about Jesus as the shepherd and why we (his flock) need Him in our lives.
Solomon's asking for wisdom when given one “wish” was a good starting place for discussions of what we would want if given the choice of anything.  Asking for more wishes didn't count!  Many wanted unlimited money (sound familiar?).  Ask your student about our discussions -- we kept coming back to wisdom and what it can do for our lives.
6th grade Science (Joyce McCauley)
We ended the year studying about simple and compound machines and how they are everywhere in our lives.  We also discussed ways in which these machines can make life more fun, as well as make work easier. 
We had a lot of fun when we did a quick unit on variables in experiments.  Swingers (pendulums) were the focus while we learned about controlled experiments, setting up a standard experiment, and making predictions of outcomes for experiments. 
Math (Abby Mallory)
The 6th graders spent the last few weeks of the school year learning about Geometry.  They practiced finding areas of triangles, circles, and trapezoids, and the volume and surface area of rectangular prisms.  In 7th grade they will focus on volume and surface area of other three-dimensional solids.  
English (Ken Backe)
For the last two weeks of this year, the sixth graders have been working on Pronouns.  They've learned about antecedents, reflexive pronouns, person, number , and gender.  I am looking forward to having this group for literature class next academic year.
Social Studies (Lisa Svoboda)
After our Renaissance unit this spring, we did a small unit on two Mesoamerican empires -- the Mayas and Incas.  Students learned that these two culutres were achieving great things (building pyramids, creating original writing systems, doing advanced astronomical studies, establing organized empires) right along side the rest of the world. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Renaissance Ball

For social studies class, the sixth graders studied 13 important figures from the Renaissance in Europe. They were then assigned one of these people to portray at their "Renaissance Ball."  Later, they were tested on these important scientific, political, and artistic figures.  Have a look at the slideshow to see the fun they had learning.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Long Lake Trip, 2012

Long Lake Conservation Center was so much fun this year, AND it was a great learning experience.  Some examples: the sixth graders learned how to build camp fires, use a compass, paddle a canoe, recognize frog “songs,” build a shelter in the woods, and cooperate on tasks.  Most importantly perhaps, they had to eat, work, and play with students whom they often don’t get a chance to.  Also, for many kids, this is the first time they’ve ever really been away from home.  Overall, Long Lake was a great chance to grow. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

See what our sixth graders are learning!


In English, the sixth graders have just finished a big unit on written and electronic communication.  We started with friendly letters.  These were followed by business letters to tourist bureaus, requesting information for an upcoming visit.  Then the students composed emails to companies whose products needed improvement.  These students now know how to send clear communications all three ways.  Hold them to it!

The 6th graders are currently learning how to read and interpret line graphs. This is in preparation for graphing linear equations in 7th and 8th grade.  After break we will focus on graphing points on a coordinate plane and operations with positive and negative integers. 

We are finishing up the textbook study of physics.  Our last chapter is on simple machines, which always has been a favorite.  We end the year with experiments/labs. Our first experiments will focus on how to conduct experiments to get reliable results, called Variables.  Our last experiments will focus on Simple Machines.  It is a fun way to end the year.

Social Studies:
The sixth graders just finished a unit on the Middle Ages.  We learned about the Medieval Church, especially the construction of gothic cathedrals and  the lives of monks; we designed our own castles, keeping in mind the architectural defenses which were used then; we did a role play on feudalism; and we learned about the major “players” of that era, such as Charlemagne and William the Conqueror.  Next, we will be studying Europe’s transition to the Renaissance and the modern world.

We finished our study of Lent and its importance to us as Catholic Christians.  We will now look at the Easter season in the church and what it means to us.
Then we will continue our study of the Old Testament and what is happening to the Israelites now that they are in the Promised Land.

Students are reading their novels and preparing for their meetings and roles from their packet work.
We are also reviewing vocabulary work they have completed and use puzzles as support work.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Roman Expansion Debate

The sixth graders recently held a debate on the pros and cons of the expansion of the Roman Empire.  They studied the historical background and arguments of this issue, and portrayed noteworthy people from that time.  Take a peek at the slide show below.