Monday, April 9, 2012

See what our sixth graders are learning!


In English, the sixth graders have just finished a big unit on written and electronic communication.  We started with friendly letters.  These were followed by business letters to tourist bureaus, requesting information for an upcoming visit.  Then the students composed emails to companies whose products needed improvement.  These students now know how to send clear communications all three ways.  Hold them to it!

The 6th graders are currently learning how to read and interpret line graphs. This is in preparation for graphing linear equations in 7th and 8th grade.  After break we will focus on graphing points on a coordinate plane and operations with positive and negative integers. 

We are finishing up the textbook study of physics.  Our last chapter is on simple machines, which always has been a favorite.  We end the year with experiments/labs. Our first experiments will focus on how to conduct experiments to get reliable results, called Variables.  Our last experiments will focus on Simple Machines.  It is a fun way to end the year.

Social Studies:
The sixth graders just finished a unit on the Middle Ages.  We learned about the Medieval Church, especially the construction of gothic cathedrals and  the lives of monks; we designed our own castles, keeping in mind the architectural defenses which were used then; we did a role play on feudalism; and we learned about the major “players” of that era, such as Charlemagne and William the Conqueror.  Next, we will be studying Europe’s transition to the Renaissance and the modern world.

We finished our study of Lent and its importance to us as Catholic Christians.  We will now look at the Easter season in the church and what it means to us.
Then we will continue our study of the Old Testament and what is happening to the Israelites now that they are in the Promised Land.

Students are reading their novels and preparing for their meetings and roles from their packet work.
We are also reviewing vocabulary work they have completed and use puzzles as support work.