Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Renaissance Ball

For social studies class, the sixth graders studied 13 important figures from the Renaissance in Europe. They were then assigned one of these people to portray at their "Renaissance Ball."  Later, they were tested on these important scientific, political, and artistic figures.  Have a look at the slideshow to see the fun they had learning.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Long Lake Trip, 2012

Long Lake Conservation Center was so much fun this year, AND it was a great learning experience.  Some examples: the sixth graders learned how to build camp fires, use a compass, paddle a canoe, recognize frog “songs,” build a shelter in the woods, and cooperate on tasks.  Most importantly perhaps, they had to eat, work, and play with students whom they often don’t get a chance to.  Also, for many kids, this is the first time they’ve ever really been away from home.  Overall, Long Lake was a great chance to grow.