Monday, February 24, 2014

Julius Caesar Play

As part of their ancient Rome unit, the sixth grade recently did a play depicting the life of Julius Caesar.

Julius's parents see to it that he is well-educated.

Julius's parents arrange his marriage into a powerful family.
Julius is captured by pirates.
While on a military campaign, Julius encounters a statue of Alexander the Great.
The Roman people welcome Julius as a hero.  
Julius starts a relationship with Queen Cleopatra.
Julius wrangles with political rivals. 

Julius's wife warns, "Beware the Ides of March!"
The Senate assassinates Julius.

The citizens of Rome give him a funeral. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Catholic Schools Week: Fun and Learning

As you'll see from the photos below, we managed to have a lot of fun during Catholic Schools Week.  Amidst all this fun, we also managed to do a lot of learning:
  • Sixth grade social studies created a detailed timeline of famous events in ancient Roman History.
  • Seventh grade English developed a practice website on extreme sports, complete with arguments regarding the rights and responsibilities of athletes.
  • Eighth grade English learned how to formulate a thesis and began writing a practice "creative" research paper on the Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919, in preparation for writing their "real" research papers.