Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What We've Been Learning 10/07/14

6th Grade Social Studies
The sixth graders just finished a unit on ancient Egypt (see them posing with their Egyptian tomb dioramas in the photo below) and have started a unit on ancient Greece.  They'll soon be debating over the ancient Greek philosophers, performing a Greek play, and learning the nitty-gritty details of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars.

7th Grade English
The 7th graders have already completed units on making nouns possessive and plural and constructing proper sentences, and are currently learning how to construct a variety of paragraph types.   Most recently, they've been writing a spatial paragraph describing their dream bathrooms.  These have been delightful creative!

8th Grade English
The 8th graders recently wrote advertisements for fake restaurants (very comical -- they have a great sense of humor!) and are now writing a paper in which they reflect upon their favorite childhood toy.

Writing samples will be posted soon, but in the meantime, enjoy the visuals of their learning below.