Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What We've Been Learning: End of the Year

It's the end of another great year here at Highland Catholic, ripe with learning, laughs, and memories.

Both the 8th and 7th grade English classes finished up by writing vignettes.  They had to develop a logical plot flow within their stories, use descriptive language, and also create an emotive atmosphere.  Below is a scan of one of their stories.

For social studies, the sixth grade finished up with a unit on the Renaissance.  Scroll down to see images from our annual "Renaissance Ball" at which they portrayed prominent figures from the Renaissance.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sixth Graders at Long Lake, 2015

Hi All!

Once again, the sixth graders had a fantastic time at Long Lake Conservation Center.  It was two and a half days of learning about nature, strengthening peer relationships, and having fun!  Below is just a small sampling of photos.

Friday, April 10, 2015

6th Grade Feudalism Role Play, 2015

For social studies, the sixth graders recently did a role play on feudalism in Medieval Europe.  Their roles depicted the rigid social structure and exchange of favors/loyalties that existed within feudal Europe.  If you see children on the ground looking miserable, they were doing so on purpose -- trying their hardest to look like suffering peasants!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Roman Architecture 2015

For social studies, the sixth graders recently studied ancient Roman engineering and architectural techniques.  They then created models of some of ancient Rome's most noteworthy structures.  I love this unit.  I think my favorite comment came from a student who said, "Now that I made the Pantheon, I want to go see the real one in Rome."  Enjoy the photos below from this year's class.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Students' Writing

What have the 7th and 8th graders been doing a lot of this year?  Writing!   If you'd like to see some samples of their work, click on the links below.  They've such wonderful minds at this age!

7th Grade Paper:  Perks of Owning a Sasquatch
8th Grade Paper:  A Favorite Childhood Toy

8th Grade Paper:  Time Travel