Friday, January 11, 2013

What We're Doing for the New Year

Hi 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Folks,

For the new years, all my classes are starting new units.

For social studies, the 6th graders have started a unit on ancient Rome.  We'll be learning about Rome's rise to power, how Rome kept that power, and its lasting influence on the world.  We'll all do some fun projects along the way.  We'll start out by creating a travel brochure for ancient Rome (in conjunction with Computer Class), and we'll also be creating Roman architecture models.

For English, the 7th graders have begun their History Day projects.  They'll be researching a historical topic and then creating a webpage based on their research.  Several of these websites will then be submitted to the Minnesota History Day competition.

The 8th graders have also begun History Day projects for English class, but rather than create websites, they will be writing research papers.  It is a great chance to engage them in the research, writing, and editing processes which will benefit them so well once in high school, and of course, eventually college.

Obviously, we're going to be very busy!

Lisa Svoboda